For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s look at three words related to winter: Hibernal, apricity and brume. Here’s what www.merriam-webster says about these words: hibernal…
For today’s writing prompt, let’s wrap up ways to use sensory details to improve our writing. (Our five senses are sight, sound, smell, taste, and…
Pssst. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. I love fruitcake! Fruitcake, made with generous helpings of candied fruit, nuts, spices and…
Tick tock. The holiday countdown is on! In case you haven’t looked at a calendar lately, we have 14 days to get everything done before…
For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s look at three words related to international relations: Weltpolitik, tranche and thalassocracy. Here’s what www.merriam-webster says about these words:…
Pamela’s Prompt: “When” Would You Go If You Could be a Time Traveler? Great Scott! Tomorrow is Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day, according…
Last week, we looked at inexpensive homemade gifts for children, teens and college students. Today, let’s discover some wonderful ideas for adults. Need a gift…
Each morning, my husband brings me a cup of coffee upstairs while I’m getting ready for the day, and we chat about stories or trivia…
For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s look at three words related to weather: Haboob, snowpocalypse and derecho. Here’s what says about these words: haboob…
For today’s writing prompt, let’s use another one of our senses to gather sensory details to improve our writing. (Our five senses are sight, sound,…