For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s look at three literary terms that start with A: anthropomorphism, antonomasia, and asyndeton. Here’s what www.merriam-webster (unabridged edition) says…
I’m always looking for creative and free ways to kickstart my writing, especially when I’m struggling with writing a scene in my novel, or even…
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I don’t know what it is about February, but I always think about planning a vacation this time of year. Maybe it’s because the weather…
No matter what the weather will be like here in South Texas on Thursday, I know what I’m going to make for supper. Chili! That’s…
For today’s Weird Word Wednesday, let’s look at three words related to cold weather: croodle, shrammed, and nither. Here’s what www.merriam-webster (unabridged edition) says about…
Throughout the world this time of year, people of many faiths enjoy their favorite holiday traditions and make special memories with family and friends. Baking…
It’s a cold, rainy day here in San Antonio and I thank God for the much-needed moisture. Before work, I used my new, handy-dandy apple…